Mr. Pramod Deshmukh is elected as SENATE member of SRT Marathwada University, Nanded

A letter has recently been received regarding the selection of Mr. Pramodji Deshmukh as Senate member of SRTMU, Nanded by State Governor. At present, he is working as a member of the curriculum board of the university. Now a new responsibility has been added to it. It can be proudly mentioned that he was selected as a member of the University Senate because of his fellowship from Purdue University, his active participation in various discussion sessions in the country and abroad and his thought of building up-to-date education system. A Senate means Adhisabha (constituent body) Just as there is a state's Vidhansabha and a country's Lok Sabha, so any university has a senate to determine the rules of the university, deciding the fees, the policy and the financial budget etc. There are three types of senators. First is ex-officio member, second is elected member and third is nominated member.


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